Skyware Training Main Menu

Skyware offers various support options, including easy and instant access to our on-line, search-able Help File documentation, and guidance and training support tools. Skyware's tutorial modules and training videos are accessed using the Skyware Training Main Menu screen, which contains both the list of available tutorial modules and the list of available training videos, as well as a link to open the Help File. When opened, the menu screen by default shows a list of all currently available tutorial modules for Skyware. Selecting a tutorial module will open it in the current tab.

Skyware video tutorials may be accessed from this screen by using the middle black bar at the top of the Skyware Training Main Menu screen called "Videos" to open the Skyware Training Videos screen. The Skyware Training Videos screen shows a list of all currently available training videos for Skyware. Selecting a video from the Skyware Training Videos screen will open the video in a new tab.

Skyware's search-able Help File may be accessed from the Training Main Menu by using the right black bar at the top called "Help". Selecting Help will also open the Help File in a new tab.

Note: The training menu is always expanding, so feel free to visit often, and if you have a suggestion for a help topic, module or video you would like to see, please contact us with you ideas.


To open the Skyware Training Main Menu, simply click on the training icon or word in the Action Bar.

Action Bar with Training highlighted for selection


By default the Skyware Training Main Menu screen when opened shows the tutorial modules available.

Training Menu screen example

Click the black bar "Videos" to open the Skyware Training Videos screen showing the training videos available.

Schematic showing opening the video tutorial menu screen

Click on any tutorial module or training video name to open it for viewing.


Date Updated September 20, 2021